############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 11.20 # Microtime diff: 11.20 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652435.488871 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:47:15 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsCorePlugin/lib/I18N/sfMessageSource_CmsMySQL.class.php [line] => 169 [context] => Array ( [dsninfo] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => d800sa72555 [password] => mK28Wj [protocol] => tcp [hostspec] => d800.mysql.zone.ee [port] => [socket] => [database] => d800sd71427 ) [dbhost] => d800.mysql.zone.ee [user] => d800sa72555 [pw] => mK28Wj [connect_function] => mysql_connect ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 0.43 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652435.999769 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:47:15 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsCorePlugin/lib/I18N/sfMessageSource_CmsMySQL.class.php [line] => 169 [context] => Array ( [dsninfo] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => d800sa72555 [password] => mK28Wj [protocol] => tcp [hostspec] => d800.mysql.zone.ee [port] => [socket] => [database] => d800sd71427 ) [dbhost] => d800.mysql.zone.ee [user] => d800sa72555 [pw] => mK28Wj [connect_function] => mysql_connect ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 0.50 # Microtime diff: 0.50 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652460.294241 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:47:40 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsCorePlugin/lib/I18N/sfMessageSource_CmsMySQL.class.php [line] => 169 [context] => Array ( [dsninfo] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => d800sa72555 [password] => mK28Wj [protocol] => tcp [hostspec] => d800.mysql.zone.ee [port] => [socket] => [database] => d800sd71427 ) [dbhost] => d800.mysql.zone.ee [user] => d800sa72555 [pw] => mK28Wj [connect_function] => mysql_connect ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 0.44 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652480.685548 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:48:00 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsCorePlugin/lib/I18N/sfMessageSource_CmsMySQL.class.php [line] => 169 [context] => Array ( [dsninfo] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => d800sa72555 [password] => mK28Wj [protocol] => tcp [hostspec] => d800.mysql.zone.ee [port] => [socket] => [database] => d800sd71427 ) [dbhost] => d800.mysql.zone.ee [user] => d800sa72555 [pw] => mK28Wj [connect_function] => mysql_connect ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 0.38 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652481.737553 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:48:01 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsCorePlugin/lib/I18N/sfMessageSource_CmsMySQL.class.php [line] => 169 [context] => Array ( [dsninfo] => Array ( [phptype] => mysql [dbsyntax] => mysql [username] => d800sa72555 [password] => mK28Wj [protocol] => tcp [hostspec] => d800.mysql.zone.ee [port] => [socket] => [database] => d800sd71427 ) [dbhost] => d800.mysql.zone.ee [user] => d800sa72555 [pw] => mK28Wj [connect_function] => mysql_connect ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 0.35 # Microtime diff: 0.35 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Eesti gaidide liit logo


Sissejuhatavad tegevused

Plaksu andmine

Osalejad annavad kordamööda juhile plaksu ja lähevad siis ringi oma kohale istuma. Igaüks annab oma kohale minnes juba istuvatele rühma liikmetele samuti plaksu.

Energia mahalaadimine


Osavõtjad jagatakse 5-liikmelisteks võistkondadeks. Võistkond seisab üksteise järel rivis. Esimene on number 1, teine number 2 jne. Mängujuht seisab keskel võistkondade ees, pall käes ja hüüab numbreid. See number, mille ta nimetab, jookseb mõlemast võistkonnast palli ära tooma oma rivvi. Kiirem saab palli kätte, viib oma rivvi ja saab punkti. (Või jätab palli endale ja mängujuht võtab järgmise palli). Kui mängujuht ütleb kaks numbrit,näiteks 3 ja 4, peab üks inimene(nt nr3) teise(nt nr4) selga võtma ja pallile järele jooksma. Kui mängujuht ütleb kolm numbrit, võtavad kaks kolmanda võistkonnaliikme kahe vahele kätele istuma ja tõttavad pallile järele. Nelja numbri ütlemise korral võtavad nimetatud numbrid üksteisel kätest ristvõttes kinni ja lähevad palli järele. Kõigi viie numbri väljaütlemisel võtavad neli võistkonnaliiget viienda palgina kätele ja lähevad palli järele. Võidab see võistkond, kes saab kõige rohkem kordi palli oma rivvi tuua.

Info edastamine

Info edastamine ketina

Info antakse kas paberlehel lugemiseks või suuliselt vaid ühele salga liikmele, kes omakorda räägib seda järgmisele liikmele ja see järgmisele. Nii räägib iga kord info saanud isik antud info teisele edasi. Lõpuks esitab salga viimane liige oma versiooni saadud infost rühmajuhile. Võrreldakse salkasid omavahel ning alginfoga, millised muutused on toimunud võrreldes alg- ja lõppvariantidega infost.


Kaardile matka kontrollpuntkide märkimine

Ettevalmistused: 1) juht on paljundanud ühesugused kaardid endale ja igale salgale (võib teha ka paarides, kolmikutes vms) 2) juht märgib oma kaardile 10-20 kontrollpunkti suvalistesse kohtadesse, nummerdades neid järjest. Tegevuse käik Salgad saavad 1 kaardi ja kirjutusvahendi. Juht paneb oma kaardi laua peale, millele on igast suunast ligipääs. Igast salgast võib kaardi juurde tulla korraga üks inimene. Esimene vaatab ära, kus asub esimene kontrollpunkt, läheb salga juurde ja märgib selle kaardile. Teine tuleb vaatab järgmise, kui esimene on märgitud. Kõik salgad teevad korraga sama tegevust, aga igast salgast tohib korraga olla kaardi juures vaid üks inimene. Oma salga kaart ja pliiats jäävad salga juurde. Kui osaleja unustab, kus punkt oli, võib ta ise või ka järgmine salga liige, tulla uuesti vaatama. Seda siis kui nende salgast kedagi teist kaardi juures ei ole. Kui salk lõpetab, võivad nad sama põhimõtet järgides saata inimesi niikaua kontrollpunktide asukohti kontrollima, kuni ka teised salgad valmis saavad. Hiljem kontrollib juht kõikide tööd üle, märkides salgale punkte iga õigesti krija pandud kontrollpunkti eest. Võidab see, kes on kõige täpsem. Hiljem võib arutleda selle üle, et kui sama ülesanne oleks päris matkamängul, siis valesti märkinud salgad võivad ära eksida. Ning õppida natuke juurde märke ja värvusi kaardil, mis aitaks kergemini orienteeruda.

Läbi tegemine

Uuesti kordamine


Uks salk kirjutab salakirjas teksti teisele salgale. Seejarel lähevad nad kokkulepitud alale seda peitma. (Sobib uks voi mitu kvartalit, terve koolimaja vms). Oma teele jätavad nad nooli ja teemarke. Teine salk hakkab 10 minuti pärast neile järele liikuma. Lõpuks peidab esimene salk oma salakirja ühte kohta ja ennast sinna lähedusse. Teise salga eesmärgiks on leida üles nii esimene salk kui salakiri. Peale salakirja lahendamist, saab teine salk õiguse peitma minna.


Sõprusringi lõpetamine pöördega

Sõprusringi võib lõpetada nii, et loetakse üheskoos "Heia-heia-hopp!" ning seejärel kõik pööravad end ringis teistpidi, tõstes ühe käe üle pea. Kui kõik teevad seda samaaegselt ning proovivad jätkuvalt kätest kinni hoida, õnnestub pööramisel ring terveks jätta.

Enne lõpetamist


Üksteisele soovitakse kordamööda (ringis) järgnevaks nädalaks midagi positiivset. Näiteks võib soovida sõpru, nalja, häid hindeid, ilusaid soenguid vms.



Vaadatakse üle, et ruum jääb korda, vajadusel viiakse ära prügi, Kustutatakse tuled, suletakse uksed-aknad ja minnakse koju

[lo] => 0 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 0.79 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Eesti gaidide liit logo


Sissejuhatavad tegevused

Plaksu andmine

Osalejad annavad kordamööda juhile plaksu ja lähevad siis ringi oma kohale istuma. Igaüks annab oma kohale minnes juba istuvatele rühma liikmetele samuti plaksu.

Energia mahalaadimine


Osavõtjad jagatakse 5-liikmelisteks võistkondadeks. Võistkond seisab üksteise järel rivis. Esimene on number 1, teine number 2 jne. Mängujuht seisab keskel võistkondade ees, pall käes ja hüüab numbreid. See number, mille ta nimetab, jookseb mõlemast võistkonnast palli ära tooma oma rivvi. Kiirem saab palli kätte, viib oma rivvi ja saab punkti. (Või jätab palli endale ja mängujuht võtab järgmise palli). Kui mängujuht ütleb kaks numbrit,näiteks 3 ja 4, peab üks inimene(nt nr3) teise(nt nr4) selga võtma ja pallile järele jooksma. Kui mängujuht ütleb kolm numbrit, võtavad kaks kolmanda võistkonnaliikme kahe vahele kätele istuma ja tõttavad pallile järele. Nelja numbri ütlemise korral võtavad nimetatud numbrid üksteisel kätest ristvõttes kinni ja lähevad palli järele. Kõigi viie numbri väljaütlemisel võtavad neli võistkonnaliiget viienda palgina kätele ja lähevad palli järele. Võidab see võistkond, kes saab kõige rohkem kordi palli oma rivvi tuua.

Info edastamine

Info edastamine ketina

Info antakse kas paberlehel lugemiseks või suuliselt vaid ühele salga liikmele, kes omakorda räägib seda järgmisele liikmele ja see järgmisele. Nii räägib iga kord info saanud isik antud info teisele edasi. Lõpuks esitab salga viimane liige oma versiooni saadud infost rühmajuhile. Võrreldakse salkasid omavahel ning alginfoga, millised muutused on toimunud võrreldes alg- ja lõppvariantidega infost.


Kaardile matka kontrollpuntkide märkimine

Ettevalmistused: 1) juht on paljundanud ühesugused kaardid endale ja igale salgale (võib teha ka paarides, kolmikutes vms) 2) juht märgib oma kaardile 10-20 kontrollpunkti suvalistesse kohtadesse, nummerdades neid järjest. Tegevuse käik Salgad saavad 1 kaardi ja kirjutusvahendi. Juht paneb oma kaardi laua peale, millele on igast suunast ligipääs. Igast salgast võib kaardi juurde tulla korraga üks inimene. Esimene vaatab ära, kus asub esimene kontrollpunkt, läheb salga juurde ja märgib selle kaardile. Teine tuleb vaatab järgmise, kui esimene on märgitud. Kõik salgad teevad korraga sama tegevust, aga igast salgast tohib korraga olla kaardi juures vaid üks inimene. Oma salga kaart ja pliiats jäävad salga juurde. Kui osaleja unustab, kus punkt oli, võib ta ise või ka järgmine salga liige, tulla uuesti vaatama. Seda siis kui nende salgast kedagi teist kaardi juures ei ole. Kui salk lõpetab, võivad nad sama põhimõtet järgides saata inimesi niikaua kontrollpunktide asukohti kontrollima, kuni ka teised salgad valmis saavad. Hiljem kontrollib juht kõikide tööd üle, märkides salgale punkte iga õigesti krija pandud kontrollpunkti eest. Võidab see, kes on kõige täpsem. Hiljem võib arutleda selle üle, et kui sama ülesanne oleks päris matkamängul, siis valesti märkinud salgad võivad ära eksida. Ning õppida natuke juurde märke ja värvusi kaardil, mis aitaks kergemini orienteeruda.

Läbi tegemine

Uuesti kordamine


Uks salk kirjutab salakirjas teksti teisele salgale. Seejarel lähevad nad kokkulepitud alale seda peitma. (Sobib uks voi mitu kvartalit, terve koolimaja vms). Oma teele jätavad nad nooli ja teemarke. Teine salk hakkab 10 minuti pärast neile järele liikuma. Lõpuks peidab esimene salk oma salakirja ühte kohta ja ennast sinna lähedusse. Teise salga eesmärgiks on leida üles nii esimene salk kui salakiri. Peale salakirja lahendamist, saab teine salk õiguse peitma minna.


Sõprusringi lõpetamine pöördega

Sõprusringi võib lõpetada nii, et loetakse üheskoos "Heia-heia-hopp!" ning seejärel kõik pööravad end ringis teistpidi, tõstes ühe käe üle pea. Kui kõik teevad seda samaaegselt ning proovivad jätkuvalt kätest kinni hoida, õnnestub pööramisel ring terveks jätta.

Enne lõpetamist


Üksteisele soovitakse kordamööda (ringis) järgnevaks nädalaks midagi positiivset. Näiteks võib soovida sõpru, nalja, häid hindeid, ilusaid soenguid vms.



Vaadatakse üle, et ruum jääb korda, vajadusel viiakse ära prügi, Kustutatakse tuled, suletakse uksed-aknad ja minnakse koju

[lo] => 0 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 5.26 # Microtime diff: 4.47 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: BODY [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( ) [tag] => BODY [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 5.57 # Microtime diff: 0.31 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: BODY>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( ) [tag] => BODY [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 5.90 # Microtime diff: 0.34 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined offset: -1 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14391 [context] => Array ( [inherit] => BLOCK [tag] => BODY [attr] => Array ( [ID] => ) [p] => Array ( ) [zp] => Array ( ) [classes] => Array ( ) ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 22.57 # Microtime diff: 16.67 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 22.92 # Microtime diff: 0.35 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 66.41 # Microtime diff: 43.48 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 66.79 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 68.43 # Microtime diff: 1.64 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H1 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( ) [tag] => H1 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 68.77 # Microtime diff: 0.33 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H1>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( ) [tag] => H1 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 69.10 # Microtime diff: 0.33 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H1 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( ) [tag] => H1 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 69.40 # Microtime diff: 0.31 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H1>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( ) [tag] => H1 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 78.12 # Microtime diff: 8.71 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => KOONDUSE KAVA [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 78.47 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => KOONDUSE KAVA [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 79.85 # Microtime diff: 1.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 80.20 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 80.60 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 80.94 # Microtime diff: 0.34 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 81.75 # Microtime diff: 0.81 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 82.11 # Microtime diff: 0.35 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 82.45 # Microtime diff: 0.35 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 82.80 # Microtime diff: 0.35 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 83.14 # Microtime diff: 0.33 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 83.46 # Microtime diff: 0.33 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 83.81 # Microtime diff: 0.35 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 84.14 # Microtime diff: 0.33 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 84.47 # Microtime diff: 0.33 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 84.81 # Microtime diff: 0.34 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 85.13 # Microtime diff: 0.33 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 85.46 # Microtime diff: 0.32 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 86.22 # Microtime diff: 0.76 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 86.54 # Microtime diff: 0.32 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 87.21 # Microtime diff: 0.67 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 87.54 # Microtime diff: 0.33 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 87.89 # Microtime diff: 0.34 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 88.22 # Microtime diff: 0.33 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 89.00 # Microtime diff: 0.78 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Sissejuhatavad tegevused [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 89.33 # Microtime diff: 0.33 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Sissejuhatavad tegevused [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 90.70 # Microtime diff: 1.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 91.06 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 91.77 # Microtime diff: 0.70 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 92.12 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 92.49 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 92.86 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 93.66 # Microtime diff: 0.80 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Plaksu andmine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 94.01 # Microtime diff: 0.34 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Plaksu andmine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 95.28 # Microtime diff: 1.27 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 95.67 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 96.37 # Microtime diff: 0.69 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 96.76 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 97.16 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 97.55 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 98.33 # Microtime diff: 0.79 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Osalejad annavad kordamööda juhile plaksu ja lähevad siis ringi oma kohale istuma. Igaüks annab oma kohale minnes juba istuvatele rühma liikmetele samuti plaksu. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 98.70 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Osalejad annavad kordamööda juhile plaksu ja lähevad siis ringi oma kohale istuma. Igaüks annab oma kohale minnes juba istuvatele rühma liikmetele samuti plaksu. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 102.10 # Microtime diff: 3.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 102.53 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 103.38 # Microtime diff: 0.85 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 103.79 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 104.20 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 104.62 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 105.40 # Microtime diff: 0.78 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 105.79 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 112.64 # Microtime diff: 6.85 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 113.10 # Microtime diff: 0.46 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 113.91 # Microtime diff: 0.82 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 114.31 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 115.43 # Microtime diff: 1.12 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 115.83 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 116.62 # Microtime diff: 0.78 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 117.06 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 117.45 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 117.86 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 118.26 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 118.66 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 119.07 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 119.48 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-2 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 120.39 # Microtime diff: 0.91 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 120.80 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 121.57 # Microtime diff: 0.77 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 121.97 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 122.37 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 122.78 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 123.59 # Microtime diff: 0.81 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Energia mahalaadimine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 123.95 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Energia mahalaadimine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 125.36 # Microtime diff: 1.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 125.75 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 126.49 # Microtime diff: 0.73 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 126.90 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 127.32 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 127.74 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 128.57 # Microtime diff: 0.83 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Numbripall [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 128.94 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Numbripall [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 130.19 # Microtime diff: 1.25 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 130.59 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 131.32 # Microtime diff: 0.73 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 131.74 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 132.16 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 132.58 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 133.37 # Microtime diff: 0.80 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Osavõtjad jagatakse 5-liikmelisteks võistkondadeks. Võistkond seisab üksteise järel rivis. Esimene on number 1, teine number 2 jne. Mängujuht seisab keskel võistkondade ees, pall käes ja hüüab numbreid. See number, mille ta nimetab, jookseb mõlemast võistkonnast palli ära tooma oma rivvi. Kiirem saab palli kätte, viib oma rivvi ja saab punkti. (Või jätab palli endale ja mängujuht võtab järgmise palli). Kui mängujuht ütleb kaks numbrit,näiteks 3 ja 4, peab üks inimene(nt nr3) teise(nt nr4) selga võtma ja pallile järele jooksma. Kui mängujuht ütleb kolm numbrit, võtavad kaks kolmanda võistkonnaliikme kahe vahele kätele istuma ja tõttavad pallile järele. Nelja numbri ütlemise korral võtavad nimetatud numbrid üksteisel kätest ristvõttes kinni ja lähevad palli järele. Kõigi viie numbri väljaütlemisel võtavad neli võistkonnaliiget viienda palgina kätele ja lähevad palli järele. Võidab see võistkond, kes saab kõige rohkem kordi palli oma rivvi tuua. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 133.77 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Osavõtjad jagatakse 5-liikmelisteks võistkondadeks. Võistkond seisab üksteise järel rivis. Esimene on number 1, teine number 2 jne. Mängujuht seisab keskel võistkondade ees, pall käes ja hüüab numbreid. See number, mille ta nimetab, jookseb mõlemast võistkonnast palli ära tooma oma rivvi. Kiirem saab palli kätte, viib oma rivvi ja saab punkti. (Või jätab palli endale ja mängujuht võtab järgmise palli). Kui mängujuht ütleb kaks numbrit,näiteks 3 ja 4, peab üks inimene(nt nr3) teise(nt nr4) selga võtma ja pallile järele jooksma. Kui mängujuht ütleb kolm numbrit, võtavad kaks kolmanda võistkonnaliikme kahe vahele kätele istuma ja tõttavad pallile järele. Nelja numbri ütlemise korral võtavad nimetatud numbrid üksteisel kätest ristvõttes kinni ja lähevad palli järele. Kõigi viie numbri väljaütlemisel võtavad neli võistkonnaliiget viienda palgina kätele ja lähevad palli järele. Võidab see võistkond, kes saab kõige rohkem kordi palli oma rivvi tuua. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 151.27 # Microtime diff: 17.51 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 151.71 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 152.59 # Microtime diff: 0.89 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 153.01 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 153.86 # Microtime diff: 0.84 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 154.26 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 155.06 # Microtime diff: 0.80 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 155.48 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 156.19 # Microtime diff: 0.71 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 156.58 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 157.58 # Microtime diff: 1.00 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 157.95 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 158.68 # Microtime diff: 0.73 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 159.09 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 159.50 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 159.92 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 160.34 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 160.74 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 161.17 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 161.60 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-3 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 162.43 # Microtime diff: 0.83 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 162.82 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 163.59 # Microtime diff: 0.76 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 164.02 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 164.44 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 164.87 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 165.73 # Microtime diff: 0.86 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Info edastamine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 166.12 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Info edastamine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 167.44 # Microtime diff: 1.32 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 167.85 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 168.59 # Microtime diff: 0.75 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 169.01 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 169.44 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 169.88 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 170.70 # Microtime diff: 0.82 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Info edastamine ketina [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 171.09 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Info edastamine ketina [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 172.44 # Microtime diff: 1.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 172.86 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 173.58 # Microtime diff: 0.72 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 173.98 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 174.40 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 174.83 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 175.59 # Microtime diff: 0.76 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Info antakse kas paberlehel lugemiseks või suuliselt vaid ühele salga liikmele, kes omakorda räägib seda järgmisele liikmele ja see järgmisele. Nii räägib iga kord info saanud isik antud info teisele edasi. Lõpuks esitab salga viimane liige oma versiooni saadud infost rühmajuhile. Võrreldakse salkasid omavahel ning alginfoga, millised muutused on toimunud võrreldes alg- ja lõppvariantidega infost. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 176.00 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Info antakse kas paberlehel lugemiseks või suuliselt vaid ühele salga liikmele, kes omakorda räägib seda järgmisele liikmele ja see järgmisele. Nii räägib iga kord info saanud isik antud info teisele edasi. Lõpuks esitab salga viimane liige oma versiooni saadud infost rühmajuhile. Võrreldakse salkasid omavahel ning alginfoga, millised muutused on toimunud võrreldes alg- ja lõppvariantidega infost. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 182.76 # Microtime diff: 6.76 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 183.14 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 184.01 # Microtime diff: 0.87 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 184.42 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 185.17 # Microtime diff: 0.75 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 185.55 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 186.31 # Microtime diff: 0.76 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 186.72 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 187.40 # Microtime diff: 0.68 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 187.77 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 188.74 # Microtime diff: 0.97 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 189.10 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 189.83 # Microtime diff: 0.72 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 190.25 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 190.67 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 191.08 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 191.48 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 191.92 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 192.36 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 192.79 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-4 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 193.59 # Microtime diff: 0.80 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 193.97 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 194.71 # Microtime diff: 0.74 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 195.12 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 195.55 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 195.97 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 196.79 # Microtime diff: 0.82 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Koolitamine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 197.17 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Koolitamine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 198.38 # Microtime diff: 1.21 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 198.76 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 199.50 # Microtime diff: 0.73 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 199.91 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 200.34 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 200.77 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 201.59 # Microtime diff: 0.82 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Kaardile matka kontrollpuntkide märkimine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 201.98 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Kaardile matka kontrollpuntkide märkimine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 203.53 # Microtime diff: 1.56 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 203.93 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 204.67 # Microtime diff: 0.75 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 205.08 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 205.51 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 205.95 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 206.74 # Microtime diff: 0.79 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Ettevalmistused: 1) juht on paljundanud ühesugused kaardid endale ja igale salgale (võib teha ka paarides, kolmikutes vms) 2) juht märgib oma kaardile 10-20 kontrollpunkti suvalistesse kohtadesse, nummerdades neid järjest. Tegevuse käik Salgad saavad 1 kaardi ja kirjutusvahendi. Juht paneb oma kaardi laua peale, millele on igast suunast ligipääs. Igast salgast võib kaardi juurde tulla korraga üks inimene. Esimene vaatab ära, kus asub esimene kontrollpunkt, läheb salga juurde ja märgib selle kaardile. Teine tuleb vaatab järgmise, kui esimene on märgitud. Kõik salgad teevad korraga sama tegevust, aga igast salgast tohib korraga olla kaardi juures vaid üks inimene. Oma salga kaart ja pliiats jäävad salga juurde. Kui osaleja unustab, kus punkt oli, võib ta ise või ka järgmine salga liige, tulla uuesti vaatama. Seda siis kui nende salgast kedagi teist kaardi juures ei ole. Kui salk lõpetab, võivad nad sama põhimõtet järgides saata inimesi niikaua kontrollpunktide asukohti kontrollima, kuni ka teised salgad valmis saavad. Hiljem kontrollib juht kõikide tööd üle, märkides salgale punkte iga õigesti krija pandud kontrollpunkti eest. Võidab see, kes on kõige täpsem. Hiljem võib arutleda selle üle, et kui sama ülesanne oleks päris matkamängul, siis valesti märkinud salgad võivad ära eksida. Ning õppida natuke juurde märke ja värvusi kaardil, mis aitaks kergemini orienteeruda. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 207.13 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Ettevalmistused: 1) juht on paljundanud ühesugused kaardid endale ja igale salgale (võib teha ka paarides, kolmikutes vms) 2) juht märgib oma kaardile 10-20 kontrollpunkti suvalistesse kohtadesse, nummerdades neid järjest. Tegevuse käik Salgad saavad 1 kaardi ja kirjutusvahendi. Juht paneb oma kaardi laua peale, millele on igast suunast ligipääs. Igast salgast võib kaardi juurde tulla korraga üks inimene. Esimene vaatab ära, kus asub esimene kontrollpunkt, läheb salga juurde ja märgib selle kaardile. Teine tuleb vaatab järgmise, kui esimene on märgitud. Kõik salgad teevad korraga sama tegevust, aga igast salgast tohib korraga olla kaardi juures vaid üks inimene. Oma salga kaart ja pliiats jäävad salga juurde. Kui osaleja unustab, kus punkt oli, võib ta ise või ka järgmine salga liige, tulla uuesti vaatama. Seda siis kui nende salgast kedagi teist kaardi juures ei ole. Kui salk lõpetab, võivad nad sama põhimõtet järgides saata inimesi niikaua kontrollpunktide asukohti kontrollima, kuni ka teised salgad valmis saavad. Hiljem kontrollib juht kõikide tööd üle, märkides salgale punkte iga õigesti krija pandud kontrollpunkti eest. Võidab see, kes on kõige täpsem. Hiljem võib arutleda selle üle, et kui sama ülesanne oleks päris matkamängul, siis valesti märkinud salgad võivad ära eksida. Ning õppida natuke juurde märke ja värvusi kaardil, mis aitaks kergemini orienteeruda. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 232.96 # Microtime diff: 25.83 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 233.41 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 234.33 # Microtime diff: 0.92 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 234.76 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 235.58 # Microtime diff: 0.83 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 235.99 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 236.76 # Microtime diff: 0.78 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 237.15 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 237.85 # Microtime diff: 0.70 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 238.21 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 239.23 # Microtime diff: 1.02 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 239.61 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 240.37 # Microtime diff: 0.76 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 240.78 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 241.19 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 241.60 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 242.01 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 242.43 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 242.89 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 243.33 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-5 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 244.18 # Microtime diff: 0.85 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 244.56 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 245.37 # Microtime diff: 0.81 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 245.81 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 246.26 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 246.72 # Microtime diff: 0.46 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 247.58 # Microtime diff: 0.86 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Läbi tegemine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 247.98 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Läbi tegemine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 249.87 # Microtime diff: 1.89 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 250.26 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 250.67 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: direction [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 19010 [context] => Array ( [tag] => DIV [currpos] => 2019.26041667 [blockstate] => 2 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 251.34 # Microtime diff: 0.67 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 251.72 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 252.50 # Microtime diff: 0.78 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 252.92 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 253.32 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 253.74 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 254.14 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 254.54 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 254.99 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 255.42 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-6 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 256.23 # Microtime diff: 0.81 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 256.60 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 257.38 # Microtime diff: 0.78 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 257.80 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 258.22 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 258.64 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 259.47 # Microtime diff: 0.82 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Uuesti kordamine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 259.86 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Uuesti kordamine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 261.14 # Microtime diff: 1.29 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 261.52 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 262.26 # Microtime diff: 0.75 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 262.68 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 263.12 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 263.55 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 264.38 # Microtime diff: 0.82 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Luuremäng [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 264.77 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Luuremäng [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 266.06 # Microtime diff: 1.28 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 266.51 # Microtime diff: 0.46 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 267.27 # Microtime diff: 0.76 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 267.68 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 268.13 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 268.55 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 269.40 # Microtime diff: 0.85 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Uks salk kirjutab salakirjas teksti teisele salgale. Seejarel lähevad nad kokkulepitud alale seda peitma. (Sobib uks voi mitu kvartalit, terve koolimaja vms). Oma teele jätavad nad nooli ja teemarke. Teine salk hakkab 10 minuti pärast neile järele liikuma. Lõpuks peidab esimene salk oma salakirja ühte kohta ja ennast sinna lähedusse. Teise salga eesmärgiks on leida üles nii esimene salk kui salakiri. Peale salakirja lahendamist, saab teine salk õiguse peitma minna. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 269.81 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Uks salk kirjutab salakirjas teksti teisele salgale. Seejarel lähevad nad kokkulepitud alale seda peitma. (Sobib uks voi mitu kvartalit, terve koolimaja vms). Oma teele jätavad nad nooli ja teemarke. Teine salk hakkab 10 minuti pärast neile järele liikuma. Lõpuks peidab esimene salk oma salakirja ühte kohta ja ennast sinna lähedusse. Teise salga eesmärgiks on leida üles nii esimene salk kui salakiri. Peale salakirja lahendamist, saab teine salk õiguse peitma minna. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 278.24 # Microtime diff: 8.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 278.67 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 279.60 # Microtime diff: 0.93 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 280.04 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 280.87 # Microtime diff: 0.83 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 281.26 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 282.04 # Microtime diff: 0.78 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 282.44 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 283.15 # Microtime diff: 0.71 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 283.51 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 284.56 # Microtime diff: 1.04 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 284.93 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 285.76 # Microtime diff: 0.82 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 286.17 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 286.58 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 286.98 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 287.39 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 287.79 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 288.23 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 288.67 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-7 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 289.50 # Microtime diff: 0.83 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 289.87 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 290.61 # Microtime diff: 0.74 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 291.03 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 291.46 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 291.90 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 292.70 # Microtime diff: 0.79 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Sõprusring [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 293.07 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Sõprusring [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 294.35 # Microtime diff: 1.28 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 294.74 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 295.48 # Microtime diff: 0.74 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 295.89 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 296.34 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 296.78 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 297.58 # Microtime diff: 0.80 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Sõprusringi lõpetamine pöördega [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 297.94 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Sõprusringi lõpetamine pöördega [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 299.37 # Microtime diff: 1.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 299.75 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 300.47 # Microtime diff: 0.72 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 300.87 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 301.32 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 301.76 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 302.50 # Microtime diff: 0.74 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Sõprusringi võib lõpetada nii, et loetakse üheskoos "Heia-heia-hopp!" ning seejärel kõik pööravad end ringis teistpidi, tõstes ühe käe üle pea. Kui kõik teevad seda samaaegselt ning proovivad jätkuvalt kätest kinni hoida, õnnestub pööramisel ring terveks jätta. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 302.90 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Sõprusringi võib lõpetada nii, et loetakse üheskoos "Heia-heia-hopp!" ning seejärel kõik pööravad end ringis teistpidi, tõstes ühe käe üle pea. Kui kõik teevad seda samaaegselt ning proovivad jätkuvalt kätest kinni hoida, õnnestub pööramisel ring terveks jätta. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 307.77 # Microtime diff: 4.87 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 308.18 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 309.10 # Microtime diff: 0.91 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 309.51 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 310.36 # Microtime diff: 0.85 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 310.73 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 311.48 # Microtime diff: 0.74 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 311.86 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 312.54 # Microtime diff: 0.68 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 312.91 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 313.95 # Microtime diff: 1.03 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 314.31 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 315.07 # Microtime diff: 0.76 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 315.46 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 315.87 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 316.26 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 316.66 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 317.05 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 317.48 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 317.91 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-8 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 318.71 # Microtime diff: 0.80 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 319.07 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 319.83 # Microtime diff: 0.76 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 320.26 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 320.72 # Microtime diff: 0.46 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 321.18 # Microtime diff: 0.47 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 322.07 # Microtime diff: 0.88 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Enne lõpetamist [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 322.44 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Enne lõpetamist [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 323.82 # Microtime diff: 1.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 324.20 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 324.97 # Microtime diff: 0.77 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 325.39 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 325.85 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 326.29 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 327.16 # Microtime diff: 0.87 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Soovimine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 327.52 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Soovimine [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 328.77 # Microtime diff: 1.25 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 329.13 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 329.90 # Microtime diff: 0.77 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 330.32 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 330.77 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 331.22 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 332.04 # Microtime diff: 0.82 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Üksteisele soovitakse kordamööda (ringis) järgnevaks nädalaks midagi positiivset. Näiteks võib soovida sõpru, nalja, häid hindeid, ilusaid soenguid vms. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 332.41 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Üksteisele soovitakse kordamööda (ringis) järgnevaks nädalaks midagi positiivset. Näiteks võib soovida sõpru, nalja, häid hindeid, ilusaid soenguid vms. [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 335.67 # Microtime diff: 3.27 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 336.06 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 337.04 # Microtime diff: 0.97 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 337.46 # Microtime diff: 0.43 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 338.31 # Microtime diff: 0.85 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 338.70 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 339.46 # Microtime diff: 0.76 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 339.85 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 340.59 # Microtime diff: 0.74 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 340.96 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 341.97 # Microtime diff: 1.01 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 342.34 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 343.19 # Microtime diff: 0.85 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 343.60 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 344.02 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-9 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 344.43 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) [id] => [class] => SUB-LIST ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 344.85 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-9 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 345.24 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:10 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 345.68 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-9 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14216 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 346.12 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-9 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14254 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( [0] => SUB-LIST [1] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) [id] => [class] => ATTRACTIONS-9 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 347.03 # Microtime diff: 0.90 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 347.39 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 348.22 # Microtime diff: 0.82 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 348.65 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 349.11 # Microtime diff: 0.46 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 349.57 # Microtime diff: 0.46 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H3>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => ) [tag] => H3 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 350.41 # Microtime diff: 0.84 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Depoo [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 350.80 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Depoo [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 352.05 # Microtime diff: 1.25 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 352.42 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 353.19 # Microtime diff: 0.77 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 353.61 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 354.07 # Microtime diff: 0.47 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4 [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 354.52 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: H4>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => H4 [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 355.34 # Microtime diff: 0.82 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Kojuminek [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 355.72 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Kojuminek [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 356.93 # Microtime diff: 1.21 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 357.31 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 358.12 # Microtime diff: 0.81 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 358.52 # Microtime diff: 0.40 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 358.97 # Microtime diff: 0.45 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 359.42 # Microtime diff: 0.44 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: P>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => P [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 360.21 # Microtime diff: 0.80 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => Vaadatakse üle, et ruum jääb korda, vajadusel viiakse ära prügi, Kustutatakse tuled, suletakse uksed-aknad ja minnakse koju [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 360.57 # Microtime diff: 0.36 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => Vaadatakse üle, et ruum jääb korda, vajadusel viiakse ära prügi, Kustutatakse tuled, suletakse uksed-aknad ja minnakse koju [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 363.46 # Microtime diff: 2.89 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 363.86 # Microtime diff: 0.41 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 364.78 # Microtime diff: 0.92 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14213 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 365.20 # Microtime diff: 0.42 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined index: DIV>>ID>> [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 14258 [context] => Array ( [p] => Array ( ) [t] => Array ( [H1] => [ID>>] => [H1>>ID>>] => [DIV] => [CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>CLASS>>SUB-LIST] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-1] => [DIV>>ID>>] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-2] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-3] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-4] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-5] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-6] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-7] => [CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [DIV>>CLASS>>ATTRACTIONS-8] => [H3] => [H3>>ID>>] => [H4] => [H4>>ID>>] => [P] => [P>>ID>>] => ) [tag] => DIV [classes] => Array ( ) [id] => ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 366.05 # Microtime diff: 0.85 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 366.44 # Microtime diff: 0.39 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 367.20 # Microtime diff: 0.76 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 367.58 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 368.26 # Microtime diff: 0.68 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 368.64 # Microtime diff: 0.38 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 369.68 # Microtime diff: 1.04 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 74 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_DEPRECATED # Microtime: 370.05 # Microtime diff: 0.37 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8192 [msg] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/includes/functions.php [line] => 75 [context] => Array ( [str] => [lo] => 1 ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 376.36 # Microtime diff: 6.31 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined property: mPDF::$hasOC [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 27961 [context] => Array ( ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 514.05 # Microtime diff: 137.69 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined property: mPDF::$hasOC [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 28062 [context] => Array ( [font] => Array ( [i] => 4 [type] => TTF [name] => DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique [desc] => Array ( [Ascent] => 928 [Descent] => -236 [CapHeight] => 928 [Flags] => 68 [FontBBox] => [-914 -350 1493 1068] [ItalicAngle] => -11 [StemV] => 87 [MissingWidth] => 540 ) [panose] => 0 0 2 b 6 6 3 3 4 b 2 4 [up] => -63 [ut] => 44 [cw] => h<W__E/<<<<<<<<<<//git8  Nq;%gzh%h_/_';;*<;: l:&;;ra:</<h<<<</+Ehh<<h+hhhgggggglt8888    %#7''''''****&:&&&&&&::::;g'g'g'tttt;;8*8*8*8*8*;;;;:8q      N  ::::&&&qrqrqr;;;;%a%a%a::::::z%%hhh<;i;i;yti;&8)<ju>  l:6&LJ;q;8.a%a%:hWW<W;  4g' &:::::*g'g'l;;N &&W;f:g'l&g'g'8*8*  &&qrqr::;%a4:t%hg'8*&&&&%gt%ig8* ;qr%';;;;**V%r;6:::N\Nd{lllEB:&Q...aa:,% V}LX%@MUgg  UOMM//_OMMGH/g-.0gig8h Ng88%%h %Q:0 Q>&:&0<&;: QQ0 & N)-ttQU&GQQ 4HQ)j"3u&%U;**#;tI;yty88t;   $gii8At%$hiitq'+n*+HH?L&L; d7P|**3,)JHLH\P&<&VV}-Y&HtxxOi;%_+ARW!|t%%%hHiii:DD +M?RRig'g'l8***+AWHH&&&t$$$i_hhi'mc]fQ)?4* z;zPVf Cex|CC;;`l::s:vs:k$@::;w:Q:l:rl:;lG&6/E  6#@P@G@Qu@ TOvDJ[gk5gkAA]M@jjwkgH9y9g9UDc^<@@[33y[^amAilEZV^Nggggffff}}^^b^[^^^1Ygggggffff= = = C*C*U*U*U !555555555nn555555555%%%%[[xzx""""222@444444444x^888xgggg?U*mmmmmuCCCCCCCx5s  c  H&ggg&& U> ?(fft;VZ0``mGmwwDCm1ptMtt l1wiO[vGlwiOrvG;NmMMtD mlR11qpttD xEmwJJatg'i;i;i;t;;;;;8*8*8*8*8*<;:::::  N N N lll::::&&&&;;qrqrqrqr;;;;;%a%a%a%a:::::ggzzzzzhh%hhh:a'<&g'g'g'g'g'g'g'g'g'g'g'g'8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*  &&&&&&&6&6&6&6&6&:::::::%%%%QQQQQQQQgg}em)C::::::::HT00000000VP;;&&&&&&Li        (Sk=YQQ:M00&&  QQQQQQQQgg}::::::::HTSk=YQQQQQQQggog::M::E000000  o    ;;  %%hO>(<YEE<+XPP1hh__></Uhhhhhhhghhhhhhhhhh`wtw<<<<lwz<<N%y<<<<Aiit'h)tXy::stsw'gg*0Ngy!^DVAxM%}*<<hhhhhhhhhhhh l?g>:hGt=|;laayg<88ZZ<^/=33===''<<<Q3;____   0;Q R;;''''''''''RRRRRRRRRRbbRRiii\\\\RRRRRRRRR''''''&'\ae''''''''''''$'$''''ZH''''''        '''''''('''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''>''A''''''''''''''            g }   x+''''''""''''''''''____           ggRRRRRq'a:N hgaMQu&;h____'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''';>0&/vA*&% i:LL:~)evIjj_tda y:/Rhi 7&EEi994+`</666#@PG.Qu@ TO#6 [ttffile] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/ttfonts/DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique.ttf [fontkey] => dejavusanscondensedI [subset] => Array ( [32] => 32 [33] => 33 [34] => 34 [35] => 35 [36] => 36 [37] => 37 [38] => 38 [39] => 39 [40] => 40 [41] => 41 [42] => 42 [43] => 43 [44] => 44 [45] => 45 [46] => 46 [47] => 47 [48] => 48 [49] => 49 [50] => 50 [51] => 51 [52] => 52 [53] => 53 [54] => 54 [55] => 55 [56] => 56 [57] => 57 [58] => 58 [59] => 59 [60] => 60 [61] => 61 [62] => 62 [63] => 63 [64] => 64 [65] => 65 [66] => 66 [67] => 67 [68] => 68 [69] => 69 [70] => 70 [71] => 71 [72] => 72 [73] => 73 [74] => 74 [75] => 75 [76] => 76 [77] => 77 [78] => 78 [79] => 79 [80] => 80 [81] => 81 [82] => 82 [83] => 83 [84] => 84 [85] => 85 [86] => 86 [87] => 87 [88] => 88 [89] => 89 [90] => 90 [91] => 91 [92] => 92 [93] => 93 [94] => 94 [95] => 95 [96] => 96 [97] => 97 [98] => 98 [99] => 99 [100] => 100 [101] => 101 [102] => 102 [103] => 103 [104] => 104 [105] => 105 [106] => 106 [107] => 107 [108] => 108 [109] => 109 [110] => 110 [111] => 111 [112] => 112 [113] => 113 [114] => 114 [115] => 115 [116] => 116 [117] => 117 [118] => 118 [119] => 119 [120] => 120 [121] => 121 [122] => 122 [123] => 123 [124] => 124 [125] => 125 [126] => 126 [127] => 127 ) [used] => [indic] => [sip] => [sipext] => [smp] => [TTCfontID] => 0 [unAGlyphs] => [asSubset] => ) [extgstate] => Array ( [parms] => Array ( [BM] => /Normal [ca] => 1 [CA] => 1 ) [n] => 7 ) [k] => 1 [image] => Array ( [w] => 300 [h] => 133 [cs] => DeviceRGB [bpc] => 8 [f] => FlateDecode [parms] => /DecodeParms <> [pal] => [trns] => [type] => png [masked] => 1 [set-dpi] => 72 [i] => 2 [n] => 23 ) ) ) ############################################################################### # Label: E_NOTICE # Microtime: 514.85 # Microtime diff: 0.80 # Variable type: array # Class: non-object # Request: 1442652610.655495 # Log entry date: 2015-09-19 11:50:11 ############################################################################### Array ( [no] => 8 [msg] => Undefined property: mPDF::$hasOC [file] => /data01/virt9633/domeenid/www.gaidid.ee/planeerija/plugins/cmsPdfPlugin/lib/vendor/mpdf/mpdf.php [line] => 8739 [context] => Array ( ) )